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Google is blocking SEO Studio Ranking Tool

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In some cases you don't get ranking results from Google. This may be due to several reasons.
asked 12 years ago in SEO Studio Ranking Tool by trendmx (2,180 points)
edited 11 years ago by trendmx

1 Answer

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Please check the following settings in SEO Studio:

  • Make sure the Ranking Analysis checkbox in the Ranking Configuration screen is turned off. When this option is turned on SEO Studio retrieves all the pages/positions you have set in the Check Results drop-down. With this option enabled SEO Studio sends more query request than necessary to determine the ranking of the specific keywords and may cause Google to block your PC's IP address
  • Decrease the simultaneous ranking settings in the Options>Connections settings screen to 1-2
  • Increase the Search Engine Query Delay to at least 2,000 milliseconds in the Options>Connections setting screen
  • If these settings don???t make a difference and still don???t get ranking results from Google, please sign up for a proxy service at http://www.your-freedom.net/ and run your ranking report through a proxy server
answered 11 years ago by trendmx (2,180 points)

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