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Cannot login

+3 votes
Hi :

I have downloaded your software for the lite edition to try it out. When it comes to logging in for the first time and I submit my email, passowrd and license key, it keeps telling me login failed, please register an account. I have tried many times making sure all of my login information is correct, but still the same result. Can you help me out?


asked 12 years ago in SEO Studio Technical Support Questions by jamielap (120 points)

1 Answer

0 votes

If you have entered the lincense info correctly and the login still fails, you need to take a look at your anti virus or firewal software that may be blocking SEO Studio from reaching our servers. Try to disable them temporarly and see if that makes a difference.

Once you have checked your firewal, please enter this web address in your web browser http://www.trendmx.com/Login/Login.asmx and if you can see the page loads correctly, that means there is no problem with your internet connection and no sofware is blocking SEO Studio. In this case please contact our support desk for further assistance.



answered 12 years ago by trendmx (2,180 points)

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